name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12">
2009 was a great year for Men’s Style, mostly because a lot of older, classic elements were brought back to the forefront of our wardrobes. One can only hope that most if not all of these will endure throughout 2010. Here’s a list of my favorites.
Three Piece Suit – The Vest came back into popularity in 2008 for casual wear, and we finally decided to dress it up in 2009 with the three piece suit. Probably the most formal attire short of a tuxedo, this once executive only staple has invaded runways, red carpets and even bargain stores like Target and Kohl’s. For a great relaxed evening look pair a dark three piece suit with a crisp white button-up and no tie.
Flat Front Pants – Lets face it, the pleats weren’t fooling anyone. 2009 saw more Men optioning for clean lines and smooth silhouettes those only flat fronts could provide. Whether wool, cotton or cashmere, you can’t go wrong continuing this trend.
Skinny Ties – After Ralph Lauren turned the tie world on its head with the introduction of the wide tie in 1967, skinny ties became the exclusive domain of punk rockers and trendy artists. Not anymore. With the popularity of shows like Mad Men and White Collar, skinny ties became a force to be reckoned with in 2009 and show no signs of stopping.
Horn Rimmed Glasses – Their not just for Ray Bans or Academics! Eyewear boutiques were selling as many no prescription frames as local optometrist shops were. In classic colors like black and tortoise, 2009 made it cool to look studious.
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