I love hats, and I have about - I don't even know how many. I've gone through at least 100 of them in the last 3 or 4 years. Fitted Caps, skull caps, trucker hats, straw fedoras, felt hats, Kangols...you name it and I've either got it or had it.
I think its cool that hats are coming back into the mainstream of Guy's style. I say that because hats have never really gone anywhere - but for a long time, they were not worn by what would be called a "man's man." After John F. Kennedy made it popular to go around without a hat on, the masses decided that it was an antiquated accessory. Even Sinatra gave in and put his hat back on the rack - how depressing! Now it appears that the trend has completely made a 180 - and I use the term "trend" loosely, because Hats in all forms should be a staple in a man's wardrobe rather than a trend.
All of that being said, there are rules for wearing hats and they should be followed religiously. Now, I am not so rigid as to suggest a ball cap should only be worn with the bill facing forward, but when it comes to other hats, there are rules.
Fedoras - Hats with various brim widths and crown heights. The shorter you are, the shorter the crown should be - I know of what I speak since I'm only 5'6". The dressier the outfit, the wider the brim can be. If you're going casual, make sure you have a smaller brim.
Skull Caps - Snug caps that fit over your head and ears; also called "boggans." These are usally worn in fall and winter and look best in darker colors. They look awesome with jeans and a button up shirt. Stay away from the ones with ear-flaps or knitted balls on top - unless your class still has show and tell.
Kangols - Yeah I know it's a brand name, the actual name of the hat is called a Flat Cap. Kangols are the fitted version with the emblematic kangaroo on the back - thank you Sam Jackson! Flat caps can be worn forwards, backwards or slightly askew. But there are rules to how its done. Forward, it should never come down and cover your eyebrows, it looks forced and stupid. Backward make sure that you at least cover your forehead, but do not wear it this way unless your flat cap is fitted. Askew, you have some wiggle room with these, but the best way to look natural and not as if you're a 1994 Puff Daddy mimick, just wear it SLIGHTLY askew, not all the way to the side.
I know there are many other kinds of hats that I can and should write about, but to all my hockey impaired readers - a hat trick is 3!